UN Gang founder should do 30 years: U.S. Attorney: "United Nations Gang
founder Clay Roueche should not get any reduction in his 30-year U.S. sentence because of new evidence of his gang's links to violence, the U.S. Attorney argues in court documents filed Wednesday.
Roueche is due back in U.S. District Court next week after he won a partial victory in the U.S. Court of Appeal last fall.
That court ordered Judge Robert Lasnik to re-sentence Roueche, and to clarify whether Lasnik relied on any disputed evidence when he handed the Fraser Valley man the three-decade term in December 2009."
Assignment Higher Power: 97% of the money in the world doesn't exist
Assignment Higher Power: 97% of the money in the world doesn't exist: We
all know that 97% of the money in the world doesn't exist and that's thanks
to Fr...
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